Medtech and robotics
Where engineering expertise meets cutting-edge science
The long standing history of innovation shows that to produce new products and services, there often needs to be a critical mass of relevant skills and knowledge in close geographic proximity. Like in the Basel Area’s history of dye making leading to chemical manufacturing that also led to the development of the strong life sciences industry, the strong know-how in watchmaking led to a unique cluster of micro-technology companies producing world-class medtech products in Basel Area too – a testament to the value of clusters. Switzerland is one of the most important locations for the global medical technology industry with the highest density of medical device companies per capita in Europe. An established part of the Basel region’s strong life sciences cluster, the medtech industry benefits from a forward looking region which provides the ideal breeding ground for future medtech innovations.
The high standards and requirements of the home market are strong sales arguments for export. Any company that successfully launches a product on the Swiss market has solid potential to establish it globally. This is why many leading medtech companies, like Straumann, Camlog, Medartis and Cochlear, choose Switzerland, and the Basel Area, as a strategic starting point to conquer the global market. The local market is very interesting – health care providers here are willing to buy state-of-the-art products and are also accustomed to paying the going price.
Robotics booting up
Robotics also plays an important role in Basel Area. The University of Basel is engaged in extensive research into the use of robots and lasers in medicine and surgery, including the flagship project MIRACLE. The University’s Focal Area Medical Lasers & Robotics merges robotics and laser technology in a novel platform for minimal invasive semi-autonomous robotic laser surgery.
Main fields of focus
Medical lasers and robotics
Medical imaging
Surgical technology
The Basel Area: high innovative power in medtech and robotics
Discover why the Basel Area, as Europe’s leading life sciences hub, has turned into a top location for medtech and robotics investments.

Key benefits
A tight network of universities, research institutes, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, specialized service providers and leading hospitals have turned the area into a source of innovative solutions. This, in turn, increases business potential and drives innovation.
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland specializes in medtech – focusing on medical measurement techniques, imaging techniques and image processing, biomechanics and medical micro-system technology
- Department of Biomedical Engineering – a joint venture of the University of Basel, the University Hospital Basel and the University Children’s Hospital Basel, is host of a number of award-winning medtech spin-offs.
- The University of Basel is engaged in deep research into the use of robots and lasers in medicine and surgery.
Unique density
Medtech giants such as Straumann and DePuy Synthes as well as small and medium-sized enterprises such as Medartis, Composites Busch and BienAir are well established in the region.
This unique Basel Area industry hosts leading medtech companies such as:
Talent pool
A skilled labor force of more than 8,500 employees not only with commercial and product development expertise but also in the machining of metals, ceramics and plastics, materials technology, design and manufacture of CNC machines and electronic components assembly helps Basel medtech manufacturers keep their competitive edge and is also instrumental in attracting foreign investment.
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